What Experts are saying about Dental Emergencies? | McMahons Point Dental

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What Experts are saying about Dental Emergencies

What Experts are saying about Dental Emergencies?

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Any dental emergency like an injury to the teeth or gums can be potentially serious and should not be ignored. Ignoring a dental problem can increase the risk of permanent damage as well as the need for more extensive and expensive treatment later on.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency that requires urgent attention. Pick up the tooth by the top of the tooth. Rinse the tooth off very gently to ensure that it’s clean. Gently place the tooth back into the socket. Hold it gently in place while trying to bite down. If you can’t place the tooth back in the socket, put the tooth in milk and visit your dentist immediately.

Fractured or Cracked Tooth

A cracked or fractured tooth is a serious issue constituting a dental emergency. Clean your mouth out by gently rinsing thoroughly with warm water. If there’s bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to the area for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. See your dentist immediately.

Lost Crown

If a crown falls off, make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible and take the crown with you. In the meantime, if the tooth is causing pain, apply some sensitive toothpaste to the area. You may also need pain killers such as paracetamol

Broken Braces & Wires

If a wire breaks or sticks out of a bracket or band and is poking your cheek, tongue or gum, cover the end with orthodontic wax, a small cotton ball or some sugar free chewing gum until you can get to your dentist or orthodontist’s office.

Tissue Injury

Injury to the soft tissues of your mouth such as your lip, cheek, tongue or gum can be relieved by gentle rinsing with warm salty water. Mixe ½- 1 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water.

Try these remedies when you face dental emergencies and visit your dentist as soon as possible for further treatment.

Author Bio

Dr. Edwina Toulman, a leading dentist in North Sydney who works in McMahons Point Dental is known for her gentle and relaxed manner for pain-free dentistry.